How to Make 22K in 30 Days Without Working a Part Time Job/Selling Courses/Lying (Cheat sheet)

Leadz On Demand Team
2 min readNov 6, 2020

Hey everyone

I want to share in this video how our team generated 22K in revenue in 4 weeks without working a part time job. This article is a cheat sheet from the video that I filmed..

Super easy, just take action on these simple key elements of building a team, leadership and using systems into your coaching business/digital marketing

It takes these 4 crucial things to take action on..

  1. Need to have a Vision
  2. One that you can see
  3. One that you are committed to
  4. One that you believe in

Need to Have a Team

  1. A team that believes in the vision
  2. A team committed in the vision
  3. A team willing to be honest with each other
  4. God is on your team

Need to have a proven system

  1. Proven systems are key
  2. To take consistent actions everyday resulting in a result
  3. Ours was to time block — to focus on talking to more customers
  4. Through the law of averages of sending messages > booking calls > offering deals > sending proposals > closing > follow up
  5. Got deals using this system
  6. We built a product all based on this one system

Need to have a visionary leader

  1. Brittany and I lead each other
  2. Each day we pushed each other to achieve
  3. A leader that is strong in one area
  4. Leaders that compliment each other
  5. Challenging each other to believe
  6. One that reassures in dark times
  7. One that believes when it is dark

Once you have this.. You can go far…

To watch the videos check them out below..

Part 1.

Part 1

Part 2.. My phone randomly cut out

Part 2 — Helping Charities, Coaches and Churches Expand Their Revenue and Mission



Leadz On Demand Team

For the Agency Owner, Coach, Network Marketer and Entrepreneur Looking to Book Meetings That Turn Into $